Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What will they remember

I recently read a post from a pirate I know where he shared about this age of instant. Text messages, emails, internet, ipad, everything at your fingertips and in an instant. Got me to thinking that none of these things will last. His thoughts were that this generation is losing the ability to communicate, and he is right.
They are losing something else as well, written word that lasts.
Years ago my grandfather went and served his country. While away he and my grandmother corresponded through the mail. Those love letters exist today in the hands of my mother. I have yet to read them, but want to some day. Micheal is reading a book published from Ronald Regans diary while he was president, I will read it when he is done as those thoughts and experiences interest me, much as do the blogs that I check everyday.
In many of the ways that we communicate today, it is fleeting, gone with the push of a delete key or gone forever with a hard drive failure. Pictures are the same way, all too often sitting on a memory card or flash drive waiting to be printed.
Looking back through black and white photos tells a small tale of life how it was, will our kids have that same luxury? Or will it disappear in one small click.


  1. You are correct maybe you can nudge your mom to post a few of those letters.

    As to the good side of technology I have a friend whose son is now serving and I know text, face, email, etc are life safers for them.

  2. That would be excellant, will encourage her to do that very thing.
    I have downloaded Skype in anticipation of Mike going to IU this fall, will be nice to see him on occasion. A 4.5 hour trip isn't one we will do as often as I'd like. :-)
