Saturday, August 21, 2010


Heading to Bloomington today. Mike moves in tomorrow. It will be tough and I have Kleenex in the van, but I also have several women who have been there before me lifting me up in prayer. They all know that while raising our kids to be independent adults is what our job has been all along, this rite of passage is a tough one to go through. He will be four hours away instead of right upstairs. He will be on his own, instead of here with us to back him up. I know without a doubt he is going to be successful there, and that he will love it. I knew that last October when we visited for a football game. Watched him fall in love with the campus, and all that is Indiana University. He may have some reservations, leaving friends and family, but he knows he will love it there, and I do too. Makes it a little easier to take him, but the Kleenex will be close by.

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