Sunday, September 12, 2010


While the spring and summer brought transitions into my family, fall is bringing adjustments. Adjusting to a busy schedule that 4 kids still at home brings. And one less driver in the house as Michael is gone to IU, and Elizabeth is still learning. Means I have to do a lot more driving than I used to over the last two years. If I never said Thank You Michael, I'm saying it now, THANKS!! You saved me so much running, which I would have used that extra time better, but hind sight is 20/20,
Chores are being shifted, bedrooms rearranged, remodeling projects in the works.
Michael is doing his own adjusting, while he loves everything about IU, he is finding it difficult to make connections. Time will allow that to happen, and I hope it hurries. Some adjustments are more painful than others.


  1. Mary~ this photo is goregous! Made me go, Ahh! Out loud here at work! tee hee.
    Second, I know what you mean! Although I have just two daughters, they are both @ BSU now, so I can't rely on them to pick up milk, or this or that.
    The house is so quite...

  2. That is a Bella Lagosi day lily, I have toyed with giving it away for the last three years, but it has finally come into it's own and was fantastic this year. Takes a little while for their best colors to show and we hit it this year. Love this plant!!
    I have 4 still at home so my house is far from quiet and I run a LOT more. We are headed down to BTown the end of the month for freshman parent weekend and a football game. Should be fun!!
