With the recent storms blowing through, and with many in our area losing power for an extended period of time, I wondered what I would do without given the choice. Tv isn't a huge deal for me at the moment, trying to give that thing less of my time, internet is a keeper, fridge, micro and freezer. Going without lights wasn't the worse thing in the world, I think I could do that. But if I had to do without electric lights I think I would get the kind of kerosene lamps that the Amish use, much brighter than my oil lamps.
Sometimes our lives get so clutter with stuff. Doesn't seem to matter if it is electronics, or things. It is one of the things that I think the amish do right, less clutter, less stuff, less stress in a lot of ways.
We are working on cleaning up clutter, Mike's open house helped the outside, need to tackle the inside now.
Down size stuff will hopefully down size stress.